The FLOW programming language

This article explores the webMethods FLOW programming language. It gives a bit of background and then tries to link the resulting artefacts with the graphical presentation of the language in the IDE. It then continues to explore how to programmatically create FLOW code on the webMethods IntegrationServer.

Background and rationale

The nineties and the first decade of the millenium was the era of the System Integrators. They are (were?) consultancy companies that would help customers connect their Enterprise Applications (CRM systems, ERP systems, billing systems etc.) using specialized software: middleware. Like consultancy companies do, they hire fresh out of college and let their employees 'learn on the job'. In many cases, technical skills weren't the primary strength of those youngsters. Middleware vendors made therefore every effort to make their product as easy to use as possible. Interacting with an Enterprise Applications required an Adapter, typically with introspection capabilities so you could select the desired API from a dropdown list, and the available inputs and outputs would be auto-filled. The task of the integration consultant was to analyze the fields, create a mapping document and implement the mapping by drawing lines between corresponding fields.

So the designers of the IntegrationServer wanted a programming language that was easy to use. Really easy to use. Already around the turn of the millenium, ease of use was a big selling point. Relatively inexperienced consultants should be able to quickly create non-trivial integration solutions. Instead of writing text based code, a consultant would compose a FLOW-service that would orchestrate predefined building blocks - services - in order to reach a certain business goal.

The language should be graphical and support a drag-and-drop development style, yet have sophisticated debugging capablilities. The developer should be ignorant of the resulting code, but only be exposed to the graphical representation in the IDE. The room for syntax errors was to be kept to a minimum. The result was the FLOW language.

This post explores the inner workings of the FLOW programming language, rather than provide a detailed description of the language. The goal is to provide an in-depth understanding of FLOW code and how one create FLOW services programmatically.


The FLOW language supports only 7 constructs of which 6 are flow control constructs, while the seventh is meant for data mapping:

    This construct can be compared to a code block in a traditional programming language, where it groups one or more statements. In FLOW it groups one or more FLOW steps.
    A SEQUENCE has only one property that affects execution: when to exit, i.e. stop executing the next child step, either on:
    • Failure: exit when a child throws an exception
    • Success: exit when the first child executes successfully
    • Done: execute all children, no matter if one or more throws an exception

    In version 10.3, a TRY , CATCH and FINALLY step were introduced. They are syntactic sugar implemented on top of the SEQUENCE step and will be further ignored here.
    This acts like a 'case'-statement, rather than an 'if'-statement. A BRANCH evaluates the expressions of its children in order. The path is taken of the first child whose expression evaluates to true.
  • LOOP
    A loop is used to iterate over the elements of an array. The supported array types are String array and IData array. Optionally a output array can be specified, which will have the same number of elements as the input array.
    This can be compared with a while(true){ } construct in other languages. A REPEAT step executes its children one or more times. The counter can be fixed, or made dependent of a variable. Optionally an interval can be specified. One can choose to repeat either on SUCCESS or on FAILURE.
  • EXIT
    This is a comparable to a 'return'-statement or a 'throw'-statement in other languages. It will stop the flow of execution. One can define different scopes from which to exit: the immediated parent, the closest loop, or the FLOW service itself. By signaling FAILURE and a message, the EXIT step turns into an exception.
  • MAP
    This is the only FLOW step can manipulate the data in the pipeline, but only in a fairly limited way. In a MAP one can:
    1. create a new variable and give it a fixed value
    2. copy an existing value to another location
    3. remove (drop) a variable
    This step invokes another service; the whole pipeline is passed to that service and its results are merged back into the current pipeline.

For a detailed explanation of the various FLOW steps, please refer to the online documentation.

As one can see, the FLOW language itself is very small and in many ways very limited. It lacks even the most basic features that one would expect from a programming language:

  • there is no way to do arithmetic,
  • there are no string manipulation functions,
  • there is no 'hosted' language in FLOW, like for example Groovy or XPath.

In order to do anything meaningful, one has to use one of the predefined java services that come with the IntegrationServer, most notably in the WmPublic package.

However, the set of services in WmPublic is fairly limited. Very quickly packages with more advanced services were created, initially mainly by wM Professional Services employees, like the PSUtilities package, but there are also other initiatives, like the very popular Thundra package, available on GitHub. Of course, one can also define custom java services and as such extend the capabilities of the IntegrationServer.

FLOW Service example

All development on the IntegrationServer is done in Designer, an Eclipse based integrated development environment (IDE). Let's examine the following simple example service located in the SAMPLE package:


First we define inputs and outputs (although the flow service would work without them as well). Nevertheless, it's good practice to always diligently define the expected input and outputs. In this case we define a string field on the input named 'message' and an (optional) field on the output name 'level':


The example is perhaps somewhat contrived, but it serves for illustration purposes. Based on the value of message, one of three possible routes is taken.

  1. If message contains 'nok', then the message is written to the server log twice with log level 'Error' (configured in a separate dialog).
  2. Else if message contains 'ok', then the message is written to the server log with the default log level, which happens to be 'Info'.
  3. Else the flow returns from the parent of the EXIT step, signaling an error. The message is configured in a separate panel.

See the following picture for the FLOW code that implements this logic. The built-in service pub.flow:debugLog writes an entry in the server log:



The service pub.flow:debugLog produces the field 'level'. But this field will not exist if the '$default' path is taken.


The configuration of the REPEAT step. It will execute pub.flow:debugLog twice, with an interval of 1 second:


The configuration of the invoke of pub.flow:debugLog


Upon saving this flow service to the IntegrationServer, two files are created (or updated):


The node.ndf file contains the input and output definition and it tells the IntegrationServer what kind of 'node' it's dealing with. In this case

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<values version="2.0">
  <value name="svc_type">flow</value>        #It's FLOW service
  <value name="svc_subtype">default</value>  #No particular sub type
  <!-- omitted -->

Serialized representation

The flow.xml file contains the flow code. The import thing to notice about flow code, is that it has a tree-like structure. Every element (MAP, BRANCH, SEQUENCE etc.) can be moved around freely, without causing a syntax error. Of course, some constellations would not make any sense, but that would not make the code illegal.

Put differently, the developer composes graphically in Designer an abstract syntax tree or AST. In text based programming languages, this is an intermediate result after parsing the source code, but in FLOW it's the direct result of development.

The flow.xml file is a representation in XML-format of the FLOW code as it exists as an object, or better said, as a tree of objects within the IntegrationServer. It is created when the developer saves his or her work in Designer. It is read and parsed by the IntegrationServer when it starts up, and then loaded into memory, ready to be executed.

Another interesting thing to notice is that there is no meta information necessary about how to represent the code in Designer graphically. So there is no x-coordinate or y-coordinate for a FLOW step saved. The developer has no influence of how the code is represented. This is a direct consequence of the tree structure of the FLOW code.

Below you see the XML representation of the FLOW code of the service, presented above. Each FLOW step corresponds to an XML element. They're each highlighted in the text below. Attributes on the element further specify its operation.

Note: RETRY is the original name of the 'REPEAT'-step that is shown in the GUI.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FLOW VERSION="3.0" CLEANUP="true">                                #The root element of a flow service.
  <BRANCH TIMEOUT="" SWITCH="/message">
      <RETRY TIMEOUT="" COUNT="1" BACK-OFF="1" LOOP-ON="SUCCESS">  #RETRY is the original name of REPEAT
        <INVOKE TIMEOUT="" SERVICE="pub.flow:debugLog" VALIDATE-IN="$none" VALIDATE-OUT="$none">
          <MAP MODE="INPUT">
            <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --></MAPTARGET>
            <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --></MAPSOURCE>
            <!-- nodes -->
            <MAPSET NAME="Setter"
                    FIELD="/level;1;0">        #Sets a fixed value on the field 'level'
              <DATA ENCODING="XMLValues" I18N="true">
                <Values version="2.0">
                  <value= name="xml">Error</value>    #Here is the value: 'Error'
                  <record name="type" javaclass="com.wm.util.Values">
                    <value name="node_type">field</value>
                    <value name="node_subtype">unknown</value>
                    <value name="is_public">false</value>
                    <value name="field_name">level</value>
                    <value name="field_type">string</value>
                    <value name="field_dim">0</value>
                    <value name="field_opt">true</value>
                    <array name="field_options" type="value" depth="1">
                    <value name="nillable">true</value>
                    <value name="form_qualified">false</value>
                    <value name="is_global">false</value>
      <INVOKE TIMEOUT="" SERVICE="pub.flow:debugLog" VALIDATE-IN="$none" VALIDATE-OUT="$none">
      <EXIT FROM="$parent" SIGNAL="FAILURE" FAILURE-MESSAGE="Message should either contain 'ok' or 'nok'">

There are a couple interesting things to notice:

  • The tree structure in the GUI is reflected directly in the XML representation
  • Apart from the MAP and its contained MAPSET under the INVOKE, the code is quite concise. Each element (BRANCH, SEQUENCE, RETRY, INVOKE, EXIT) only contains the necessary information and only occupies one line (well, two, if we count the closing tag as well).
  • The MAP and the MAPSET on the INVOKE however are very verbose. The MAPSET alone needs 26 lines just to give the field 'level' the fixed value of 'Error'.
  • About 78 lines are omitted from the flow.xml shown above, because they do not constitute any code, but are rather a help for the IDE. The MAPTARGET element contains in reality 62 lines and the MAPSOURCE element 16. These omitted lines represent the fields that are available for the mapping. They're calculated by Designer based on the advertised inputs and outputs of the invoked services. In the example it is just pub.flow:debugLog, but a more realistic flow service will call more than one service. All the advertised outputs and the used inputs will be added to the MAPSOURCE element of the next INVOKE service. This will very quickly grow the size of the flow.xml file. Flow services with a corresponding flow.xml file of 10MB are not unheard of.
  • There is nowhere a link between the 'message' field on the input of our service and the 'message' field on pub.flow:debugLog, although the link is shown in the last picture. The reason is that the field 'message' is implicitly mapped, simply because the name of the field is the same.


As explained earlier, the MAP step is the only Flow element that can change the contents of the pipeline. Let's consider a flow service with one empty MAP step, but with a label and a description. We'll use the service as an example:



The corresponding flow.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!-- nodes -->

  <MAP NAME="map" TIMEOUT="" MODE="STANDALONE">  #The Label becomes the name of the MAP
    <COMMENT>-- This is a map --</COMMENT>       #The Comments go in the contents of the COMMENT element

The empty MAP occupies only three lines. Note that the service has defined inputs (name, external-ids, address and products) and outputs (code and message). They are visible in the IDE in the Pipeline pane, but they do not show up in the flow.xml file.


As a next step, let's map the field name to the field street under the address structure by clicking on the name and dragging a line to address/street:



The corresponding flow.xml file now looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!-- nodes -->
  <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --><MAPSOURCE>
  <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --><MAPTARGET>

  <MAP NAME="map" TIMEOUT="" MODE="STANDALONE">  #The Label becomes the name of the MAP
    <COMMENT>-- This is a map --</COMMENT>       #The Comments go in the contents of the COMMENT element
    <MAPCOPY FROM="/name;1;0" TO="/address;4;0;sample.doc:address/street;1;0">


The element MAP has become a child element MAPCOPY, representing the black line in the IDE. When this piece of code executes, the value that is found under name is copied to address/street.

Notice that the FROM and TO attributes do not contain simple paths. Rather, they contain typed paths into the pipeline.


Let's create another map, one that involves the unit-price. Let's map it to a new field called price, but take it from the second item in the products list, and only copy if the second item in the external-ids list matches '123':



The effect in the flow.xml file is that there is now a second MAPCOPY element under the MAP element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!-- nodes -->
  <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --><MAPSOURCE>
  <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --><MAPTARGET>

  <MAP NAME="map" TIMEOUT="" MODE="STANDALONE">  #The Label becomes the name of the MAP
    <COMMENT>-- This is a map --</COMMENT>       #The Comments go in the contents of the COMMENT element
    <MAPCOPY FROM="/name;1;0" TO="/address;4;0;sample.doc:address/street;1;0">
    <MAPCOPY FROM="/products[1];2;1/unit-price;3.5;0" TO="/price;3.5;0" CONDITION="%external-ids[1]% == /123/">


Things to notice here:

  • Indices follow the 'normal' rules. They are zero-based and appear in brackets immediately after the name
  • The code for the data type (java.util.Float) of the unit-price is 3.5. See the section about the Typed Path below.
  • The CONDITION was entered by the developer in the IDE and appears unaltered in the flow.xml file. The condition can be really anything and refer to other values in the pipeline. It does not have to refer to any of the fields mentioned in the FROM or TO attributes.


Let's now drop a value from the pipeline, for example external-ids



The effect in the flow.xml file is that there is now MAPDELETE element under the MAP element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!-- nodes -->
  <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --><MAPSOURCE>
  <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --><MAPTARGET>

  <MAP NAME="map" TIMEOUT="" MODE="STANDALONE">  #The Label becomes the name of the MAP
    <COMMENT>-- This is a map --</COMMENT>       #The Comments go in the contents of the COMMENT element
    <MAPCOPY FROM="/name;1;0" TO="/address;4;0;sample.doc:address/street;1;0">
    <MAPCOPY FROM="/products[1];2;1/unit-price;3.5;0" TO="/price;3.5;0" CONDITION="%external-ids[1]% == /123/">

    <MAPDELETE FIELD="/external-ids;1;1">


A dropped value disappears from the pipeline and is not available in further steps anymore. In the IDE, you see that external-ids has disappeared from the 'Pipeline Out' pane, and has become the 'dropped value' icon in the left-hand pane 'Pipeline In'.


Let's now assign a fixed value to a variable in the pipeline, for example assign the value Socrates to name.



The effect in the flow.xml file is that there is now MAPSET element under the MAP element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <!-- nodes -->
  <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --><MAPSOURCE>
  <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --><MAPTARGET>

  <MAP NAME="map" TIMEOUT="" MODE="STANDALONE">  #The Label becomes the name of the MAP
    <COMMENT>-- This is a map --</COMMENT>       #The Comments go in the contents of the COMMENT element
    <MAPCOPY FROM="/name;1;0" TO="/address;4;0;sample.doc:address/street;1;0">
    <MAPCOPY FROM="/products[1];2;1/unit-price;3.5;0" TO="/price;3.5;0" CONDITION="%external-ids[1]% == /123/">

    <MAPDELETE FIELD="/external-ids;1;1">
    <MAPSET NAME="Setter" OVERWRITE="true" VARIABLES="false" GLOBALVARIABLES="false" FIELD="/name;1;0">
      <DATA ENCODING="XMLValues" I18N="true">
        <Values version="2.0">
          <value name="xml">Socrates</value>                    #The actual value
          <record name="type" javaclass="com.wm.util.Values">   #Describes the field 'name'
            <value name="node_type">record</value>
            <value name="node_subtype">unknown</value>
            <value name="node_comment"/>
            <record name="node_hints" javaclass="com.wm.util.Values">
              <value name="field_usereditable">true</value>
              <value name="field_largerEditor">false</value>
              <value name="field_password">false</value>
            <value name="is_public">false</value>
            <value name="field_name">name</value>
            <value name="field_type">string</value>
            <value name="field_dim">0</value>
            <array name="field_options" type="value" depth="1">
            <value name="nillable">true</value>
            <value name="form_qualified">false</value>
            <value name="is_global">false</value>


It takes apparently 26 lines in the flow.xml file to specify that the value of the string field name should be assigned the value Socrates. The bulk of the verbosity lies in the meta-information of the field name that is saved along with it.

When the IntegrationServer executes a MAP step, the MAPCOPY statements are executed before the MAPDELETE and MAPSET statements. This means that:

  • one can map from dropped values
  • if you map from a variable that is overwritten by a MAPSET statement in the same MAP, the original value is used in the MAPCOPY.


Finally, there is a way to manipulate the data in a mapping, for example to trim a value, or capitalize a word. In such cases one would use a Transformer. Let's use one to capitalize the letters of address/city field. This looks in the Pipeline Editor like this:



If you look closely, you see that a transformer is an invocation of a regular service, pub.string:toUpper in this case, but inside a MAP step. A Transformer, like its name suggests, is intended to be used the way it's used here: to transform a string field.

However, nothing prevents one of calling a service that does more complicated things and in practice this happens quite often. One important reason to do this, is that the pipeline that is passed to the transformer, only contains the values that are explicitly mapped into it. When a service is invoked in the regular way (like pub.flow:debugLog in the first example), the complete pipeline is passed, possibly passing parameters that affect the service in undesirable ways.

The effect in the flow.xml file is that there is now a MAPINVOKE element under the MAP element. Within the MAPINVOKE there are two other maps.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --><MAPSOURCE>
  <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --><MAPTARGET>

    <COMMENT>-- This is a map --</COMMENT> 
    <!-- other maps omitted -->
    <MAPINVOKE SERVICE="pub.string:toUpper" VALIDATE-IN="$none" VALIDATE-OUT="$none" INVOKE-ORDER="0">
      <!-- nodes -->
      <MAP MODE="INVOKEINPUT">     #The input map: /address/city -> inString
        <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --></MAPTARGET>
        <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --></MAPSOURCE>
        <MAPCOPY FROM="/address;4;0;sample.doc:address/city;1;0" TO="/inString;1;0">
      <MAP MODE="INVOKEOUTPUT">    #The output map: /value -> /address/city
        <MAPSOURCE><!-- omitted --></MAPSOURCE>   
        <MAPTARGET><!-- omitted --></MAPTARGET>
        <MAPCOPY FROM="/value;1;0" TO="/address;4;0;sample.doc:address/city;1;0">

Notice the values of the attribute of the two MAP elements: INOKEINPUT respectively INVOKEOUTPUT. The possible values for MODE are:

  • STANDALONE: if the map appears a step in a flow service.
  • INPUT: maps the input of an INVOKE step.
  • OUTPUT: maps the output of an INVOKE step.
  • INVOKEINPUT: maps the input of an Transformer inside a MAP step.
  • INVOKEONPUT: maps the output of an Transformer inside a MAP step.

It's good to realize that the MAP elements are containers for:

  • MAPSET: sets the value of a field.
  • MAPCOPY: copies a value from one field to another.
  • MAPDELETE: deletes (or drops a value from the pipeline.
  • MAPINVOKE: invokes a service as a transformer inside a MAP step.

The Typed Path

The IDE infers the Typed Path from the line that was drawn by the user. A typed path differs from a simple, untyped path, described here, in that it carries extra information about the type of field, namely:

  • The Data Type
  • The Dimension
  • Document Type Reference (if applicable)

The extra information is added to the element of the path, separated by a semi-colon.

In the example above, the FROM path is /name;1;0. The field name is name, the data type is 1 and the dimension is 0.

Similarly, the TO path is /address;4;0;sample.doc:address/street;1;0. First part of the path describes the address. The field name is address, the data type is 4, the dimension is 0 and the Document Type Reference is sample.doc:address.

The follow tables help understand the meaning of values for dimension and data type. The central class here is com.wm.lang.ns.NSField. This class plays a dual role. First, it represents a Document Type in the Namespace of the IntegrationServer, like sample.doc:address. Secondly, it represents a field (of any type) inside Document Type. In the latter case, there is no namespace name associated with the field.

Data Types

The following table describes the main data types that the IntegrationServer recognizes:

Name Class Field Value
Document NSField.FIELD_RECORD 2
Document Reference NSField.FIELD_RECORDREF 4

The data type Object may be further classified by a Java Wrapper Type. The central class here is com.wm.util.JavaWrapperType, see the following table:

Java Wrapper Types

Java Type Class Field Value
Unknown JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0
java.lang.Boolean JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_BOOLEAN 1
java.lang.Byte JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_BYTE 2
java.lang.Character JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_CHARACTER 3
java.lang.Double JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_DOUBLE 4
java.lang.Float JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_FLOAT 5
java.lang.Integer JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_INTEGER 6
java.lang.Long JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_LONG 7
java.lang.Short JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_SHORT 8
java.lang.DATE JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_DATE 9
byte[] JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_byte_ARRAY 10
java.lang.BigDecimal JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_BIG_DECIMAL 11
java.lang.BigInteger JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_BIG_INTEGER 12
com.wm.util.XOPObject JavaWrapperType.JAVA_TYPE_XOP_OBJECT 13


Dimension Class Field Value
Scalar NSField.DIM_SCALAR 0
Array NSField.DIM_ARRAY 1
Two-dimensional Array NSField.DIM_TABLE 2

The IntegrationServer actually uses the information contained the Typed Path when executing a MAPCOPY, MAPSET or MAPDELETE.

When the path is a source (in case of a MAPDELETE or the FROM attribute of a MAPCOPY), it looks for a variable of the indicated name, type and dimension. If not all three conditions are met, nothing happens. The value is not dropped or the copy does not happen. This does not constitute an error.

When the path is a target (in case of a MAPSET of the TO attribute of a MAPCOPY), it also looks for a variable of the indicated name, type and dimension. If it does not find one, then a field with those properties is created. Without the type and dimension information, the IS would not know what to create.

Creating a Flow service programmatically

Now, everything that can be done in Designer manually, can also be done programmatically. With the understanding of FLOW we have so far, let's try and create the flow service that was introduced in the first example. All code shown below is supposed to be created in a Java Service, so it will execute inside the IntegrationServer.

A Flow Service has a few characteristics:

  • First, it is a node in the namespace of the IntegrationServer and that means that is has a
    • Namespace Name, implemented by com.wm.lang.ns.NSName
    • Node Type, implemented by com.wm.lang.ns.NSNodeType
  • Secondly, it is a Service, meaning that it can be executed, just like a Java Service or an Adapter Service. The general class for a service is com.wm.lang.ns.NSService
  • A Service has an Input and an Output, which are combined in a signature and implemented by com.wm.ns.lang.NSSignature. Inputs and outputs can be defined inline, as was done for the service, but they can also be a reference to a Document Type that's defined elsewhere, as was done for the service.

The Input/Output signature

Let's first create the Input/Output Signature. The input contains an string field named message and is defined inline. The output contains the optional string field level.

A field is implemented by the class com.wm.lang.ns.NSField. If the field is supposed to be a container, i.e. it can contain other fields, then the field type is NSField.FIELD_RECORD, and then implemented by the class com.wm.lang.ns.NSRecord, which extends com.wm.lang.ns.NSField.

In the following piece of code, the (static) method createLogServiceSignature() produces the NSSignature, which we will need later on to create the flow service.

import com.wm.lang.ns.NSField;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSRecord;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSSignature;

public final class generateLogFlowService_SVC {

  private static NSSignature createLogServiceSignature() {
    //Create the service input signature:
    NSRecord inSig = new NSRecord(null, "in", NSField.DIM_SCALAR);
    //one (mandatory) input field: 'message'
    NSField messageField = new NSField(null, "message", NSField.FIELD_STRING, NSField.DIM_SCALAR);
    messageField.setComment("The message to write to the server log.");
    //add the 'message' field to the input signature.
    //Create the service output signature
    NSRecord outSig = new NSRecord(null, "out", NSField.DIM_SCALAR);
    NSField levelField = new NSField(null, "level", NSField.FIELD_STRING, NSField.DIM_SCALAR);
    levelField.setComment("The log level that used to write to the server.");
    //add the 'level' field to the output signature.
    //Combine the input and output in a NSSignature
    return new NSSignature(inSig, outSig);
  // --- <<IS-END-SHARED-SOURCE-AREA>> ---

Note that the definition of the signature does not depend on any other class than NSField, NSRecord and NSSignature. The method is completely stand-alone.

The NSSignature will end up in the node.ndf.

The Flow code

Next up is the flow code itself. The serialized version of this will end up in the flow.xml file.

Here is a list of the relevant classes:

Class Description
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowElement This is the base class of all other flow language classes. It defines the five properties they all have in common:
  • Name
  • Comment
  • Scope
  • Timeout
  • Enabled
It also implements the tree structure. One can add one or mode nodes to each FlowElement. Relevant methods:
public void setName(String);      //This is the 'Label'
public void setScope(String);
public void setComment(String);
public void setTimeoutString(String);     //in seconds
public void setEnabled(boolean);
public void addNode(FlowElement);
A note about the Timeout: setting one will cause the Flow engine to throw a com.wm.lang.flow.FlowTimeoutException if a step takes longer to complete than the specified amount of time. It will not interrupt the execution after the specified numbers of seconds have passed.
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowRoot This represent to starting point of a flow service. It does not do anything and it's not visible in Designer. It serves no other purpose than being the container for the flow steps.
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowBranch Implements the BRANCH step. Relevant methods:
public void setBranchSwitch(String);
public void setIsCondition(boolean);
The two properties are mutually exclusive. If a path to a value to 'branch' on is given, then 'isCondition' must be false, and vice versa. The latter method corresponds to the property in Designer named 'Evaluate Labels'.
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowSequence Implements the SEQUENCE step, and as of 10.3 also the TRY, CATCH, FINALLY steps. Relevant method:
public void setExitOn(int)
Valid values for the integer:
  • 0: FAILURE
  • 1: SUCCESS
  • 2: DONE
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowLoop Implements the LOOP step. Relevant methods:
public void setInArray(String);
public void setOutArray(String);
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowRetry Implements the REPEAT step. 'Retry' is the old name for REPEAT. Relevant methods:
public void setBackoffString(String);
public void setCountString(String);
public void setReapeatOn("FAILURE"|"SUCCESS");  //the typo is no typo
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMap Implements the various maps: STANDALONE, INPUT, OUTPUT, INVOKEINPUT, INVOKEOUTPUT. This class is actually a container. It's the parent of one or more FlowInvoke, FlowMapDelete, FlowMapCopy or FlowMapSet objects. Relevant methods:
public void addNode(FlowElement);
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowExit Implements the EXIT step. Relevant methods:
public void setSignal("FAILURE"|"SUCCESS");
public void setExitFrom("$flow"|"$loop"|"$parent");
public void setFailureMessage(String);
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowInvoke Invokes another service (of any type). Relevant methods:
public void setService(NSName);
public void setValidateOut("$none"|"$default");
public void setValidateIn("$none"|"$default");
public void setInputMap(FlowMap);   //from FlowElement;
public void setOutputMap(FlowMap);  //from FlowElement;
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMapInvoke Implements the Transformer. It subclasses FlowInvoke. Relevant methods:
public void setInputMap(FlowMap);
public void setOutputMap(FlowMap);
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMapCopy Copies a value from one location in the pipeline to another. Relevant methods:
 public void setMapFrom(String);   //Expects a typed path
 public void setMapTo(String);     //Expects a typed path
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMapSet Set the value of a field in the pipeline. Relevant methods:
public void setField(String);       //Expects a typed path
public void setInput(Object);       //Can be a String or and IData object
public void setInputType(NSField);  //Describes the structure of the input (optional)
com.wm.lang.flow.FlowDelete Drops a field from the pipeline. Relevant method:
public void setField(String);       //Expects a typed path

In the java code below, the method composeLogServiceFlow() builds the FlowRoot object, which consitutes the actual FLOW code:

import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowBranch;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowExit;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowInvoke;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMap;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMapSet;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowRetry;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowRoot;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowSequence;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSField;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSName;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSRecord;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSSignature;
import com.softwareag.util.IDataMap;

public final class generateLogFlowService_SVC {
  // --- <<IS-BEGIN-SHARED-SOURCE-AREA>> ---  
  private static NSSignature createLogServiceSignature() {...}

  private static FlowRoot composeLogServiceFlow() {
    //Create the flow root          
    FlowRoot flow = new FlowRoot(IDataFactory.create());
    //Create the BRANCH, branch on 'message':
    FlowBranch branch = new FlowBranch(IDataFactory.create());    
    //Create the first SEQUENCE, Label = '/nok/':
    FlowSequence firstSequence = new FlowSequence(IDataFactory.create());    
    firstSequence.setName("/nok/");     //This is the 'Label'
    //Create the REPEAT, Count = 1, Repeat interval = 1, Repeat on: SUCCESS:
    FlowRetry retry = new FlowRetry(IDataFactory.create());
    //Create the INVOKE for 'pub.flow:debugLog' with 'level' = 'Error', no input/output validation:
    FlowInvoke debugLogError = new FlowInvoke(IDataFactory.create());
    //Create the input MAP for the INVOKE 
    FlowMap invoke_input_map = new FlowMap(null);  
      //Create the MAPSET for 'level' = 'Error'
      FlowMapSet levelSet = new FlowMapSet(IDataFactory.create());
      //Add the MAPSET to the MAP and the MAP as the input map to the invoke:
    //Create the second SEQUENCE, Label = '/ok': 
    FlowSequence secondSequence = new FlowSequence(IDataFactory.create());
    secondSequence.setName("/ok/");     //This is the 'Label'
    //Create the INVOKE for 'pub.flow:debugLog' with ('level' not explicitly set)
    FlowInvoke debugLogDefault = new FlowInvoke(IDataFactory.create());    
    //Create the third SEQUENCE, Label = '$default'
    FlowSequence thirdSequence = new FlowSequence(IDataFactory.create());    
    thirdSequence.setName("$default");   //This is the 'Label'
    //Create the EXIT, Exit from: '$parent', Signal: FAILURE, Failure message: 'Message should either contain 'ok' or 'nok''
    FlowExit exit = new FlowExit(IDataFactory.create());
    exit.setFailureMessage("Message should either contain 'ok' or 'nok'");
    //Build the tree
    //Start by adding the BRANCH to the FLOW  
    //first SEQUENCE
    //second SEQUENCE
    //third SEQUENCE
    return flow;
  // --- <<IS-END-SHARED-SOURCE-AREA>> ---

Registering the Flow Service

Now that we have the Input/Output signature and the flow code, we can register the flow service with in the IntegrationServer. Two extra pieces of information are needed:

  • The fully qualified name of our service. Let's name it The class.method to use for this is com.wm.lang.ns.NSName.create("");
  • The package in which the flow service will reside. We'll use SAMPLE

The ServerAPI exposes a method to create a flow service: package, NSName serviceName, FlowRoot flow, NSSignature signature);

In the code below, the method createSampleLogFlowService()puts it all together and creates the complete flow service, which can immediately be used:

import com.wm.util.Values;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowBranch;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowExit;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowInvoke;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMap;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowMapSet;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowRetry;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowRoot;
import com.wm.lang.flow.FlowSequence;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSField;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSName;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSRecord;
import com.wm.lang.ns.NSSignature;
import com.softwareag.util.IDataMap;

public final class generateLogFlowService_SVC {

  // --- <<IS-BEGIN-SHARED-SOURCE-AREA>> ---  
  private static void createSampleLogFlowService() throws ServiceException {
    NSSignature signature  = createLogServiceSignature();
    FlowRoot    flow       = composeLogServiceFlow();
    try {
    	ServerAPI.registerFlowService("SAMPLE", NSName.create(""), flow, signature);
    } catch (ServiceSetupException e) {
    	throw new ServiceException(e);

  private static NSSignature createLogServiceSignature() {...}

  private static FlowRoot composeLogServiceFlow() {...}
  // --- <<IS-END-SHARED-SOURCE-AREA>> ---  

The resulting flow.xml should look exactly like this (minus the 'pretty print' formatting), only 36 lines of XML code (of which 8 are comments):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- nodes -->
   <BRANCH SWITCH="/message">
    <!-- nodes -->
      <!-- nodes -->
        <!-- nodes -->
         <INVOKE SERVICE="pub.flow:debugLog" VALIDATE-IN="$none" VALIDATE-OUT="$none">
          <!-- nodes -->
          <MAP MODE="INPUT">
            <!-- nodes -->
            <MAPSET NAME="Setter" OVERWRITE="true" VARIABLES="false" GLOBALVARIABLES="false" FIELD="/level;1;0">
              <DATA ENCODING="XMLValues" I18N="true">
                <Values version="2.0">
                  <value name="xml">Error</value>
      <!-- nodes -->
       <INVOKE SERVICE="pub.flow:debugLog">
      <!-- nodes -->
       <EXIT FROM="$parent" SIGNAL="FAILURE" FAILURE-MESSAGE="Message should either contain 'ok' or 'nok'">

This code executes exactly the same as the example flow Comparing this version of flow.xml with the one created through the IDE yields these differences:

  • None of the flow elements has the attribute TIMEOUT="". This attribute apparently gets added by Designer automatically. Its absence in the code that we generated programmatically does not alter the execution logic.
  • There is not a single COMMENT element. They are also added automatically by the IDE. Their absence does not affect the logic.
  • There is not a single MAPSOURCE or MAPTARGET element. These elements are also added automatically by the IDE and provide meta information for the MAP steps. They get created by calling this method on a FlowMap instance:
    public void setSchemaInfo(NSRecord sourceSchema, NSRecord targetSchema);
    Their absence (again) does not affect the execution logic.
  • There is no type information on the MAPSET element. That gets added by calling this method on a FlowMapSet instance:
    public void setInputType(NSRecord);


The IDE hides the implementation from the developer. One has to be aware of the fact that a map only moves links to java objects around. A line drawn in the Pipeline editor only gives an existing object an extra name. For example, if one maps from one Document to another and starts manipulating fields in the 'new' document, then the fields in the original document are also affected. This might easily trip up unexperienced developers.